Our third annual hunt for a Christmas tree at Johnson's Christmas tree farm. We go every year with four other families. Same four families every year, but there are more and more kids each year. It seemed we had to factor in more opinions this year. Micah picked a tree, Kaia picked a tree. Finally, we all agreed on a tree. It was named 'Captian Hook'. Kaia helped cut it down.
My little pumpkins. My first blog entry was last years trip to the pumpkin patch. A whole year went by- WOW. Anyway here is this years pics from the patch. I guess it is a tradtion as it is our fourth year going there. Which as far as the kids are concerned is forever. We also got a bushel of apples and made apple butter, apple sauce, apple pie, etc. since my kids are hooked on homemade applesauce thanks to Kelli.